Understanding the Causes of Abnormal Engine Oil Consumption in Excavators

2024/07/11 09:43

When operating excavators, one of the most common issues faced is abnormal increase in diesel consumption or burning oil. 

This not only raises equipment operating costs but also leads to equipment wear and failure. To address this issue, it is crucial 

to identify the root causes of increased fuel consumption or burning oil.


Excessive Wear of Components: The wear of the piston, piston ring, and cylinder liner can cause oil to escape into the combustion 

chamber, leading to a sharp increase in oil consumption. If the wear gap between the first piston ring and the cylinder wall exceeds 

20% of the normal value, oil consumption can more than double.

Wear of Bearings and Oil Pump: The wear of connecting rod bearings, crankshaft bearings, or the oil pump can result in excessive 

clearance between the bearings and shaft diameter. This can lead to increased oil leakage, reduced pump oil pressure, and accelerated 

oil consumption.

Thermal Deformation of Cylinder Liner: When the thermal deformation of the cylinder liner surpasses a certain limit, the piston and 

piston ring may not fully adjust to the deformation, creating a significant oil channeling channel in a localized area. This allows oil 

to enter the combustion chamber and burn, causing abnormal oil consumption.


Issues with Diesel Engine Cooling System: Blockages in the diesel engine water radiator heat sink, wear or poor functioning of the water 

pump, water scale, or blockages can result in inadequate heat dissipation of the engine, leading to abnormal oil consumption.

Air Filter Blockage: A clogged air filter can reduce the inlet pressure of the combustion chamber, creating excessive negative pressure. 

This can cause oil to flow into the combustion chamber, significantly increasing oil consumption.

Other Causes: Additional reasons for abnormal engine oil consumption may include piston damage, connecting rod bearing or crankshaft bearing abrasion, valve guide sealing ring damage or failure, and oil leakage issues.


By understanding these potential causes of abnormal engine oil consumption in excavators, operators can effectively diagnose and 

address the underlying issues, ultimately reducing operating costs and avoiding equipment wear and failure.

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